My STAMPING & PAPERCRAFT blog - Stamping Scene

Hello and welcome to my blog. I'm an independent demonstrator in the UK for a US Company that manufactures stamps and love sharing my passion for paper crafting . Thank you for visiting I hope to see you again soon. Zoe x

Saturday, 1 September 2012

The Sale is on!!!!

Stampin' Up! has announced it's retired list which can be viewed by visiting the Stampin' Up! website

You might find one or two items have been reduced and if these are items that you can't live without then please do email me your order and I will contact you to arrange payment.

Items on this list will only be available while stocks last or until the end of September so don't miss out on your wishlist items.  You will also see that the 2010- 2012 In Colors are on the list and so if you love

Concord Crush
Blushing Bride
Poppy Parade
Pear Pizzazz
Peach Parfait

Now is the time to order as you will never be able to order them again after 30 September 2012. 

Free shipping on all orders of £50 or more direct to your door or free for any order collected from me.

Contact me to place your order for Retired products or products from the new Autumn Winter Catalogue which is also live from today.

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