My STAMPING & PAPERCRAFT blog - Stamping Scene

Hello and welcome to my blog. I'm an independent demonstrator in the UK for a US Company that manufactures stamps and love sharing my passion for paper crafting . Thank you for visiting I hope to see you again soon. Zoe x

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Oh what a big class!

This week I held my second biggest class ever with the lovely ladies of the Jambusters WI.  With 70 members it took some organising to get them all to make a card, but it made for a fun evening with baskets being passed down the tables and everyone having the opportunity to chat with friends.  Everyone made a card and it went very smoothly with one exception.  I hadn't remembered that WI ladies go 'off piste' at times and I hadn't anticipated the first lady to stamp on one table using the green ink instead of the purple to stamp her flowers!! Luckily I realised in time before the stamp with purple and green ink turned to a nasty brown blur colour and all continued well.  

Of course the WI are renowned for the their tea and baking and being such a big group this surpassed any expectation you might have had for tea and a biscuit.  I have to confess I was brought two delicious cupcakes, both different and both homemade.  I had to eat both, it would have been rude not to.....

Thank you ladies for your very warm welcome, delicious cakes and the fun you shared in making cards.  I look forward to seeing many of you again soon. 



Gibmiss said...

Wow that was a big class Zoe... But looked great fun... Ooh!! Love the look of those cakes...
Hugs Sylvie xx

Sandy said...

I think I will start crying - anytime now. Oh why could I not be there. You must give really good classes and look at all those goodies. I am pea green with envy!
Sandy xx